Saturday, February 17, 2018

List of best binary options brokers xp

Binary Options Brokers Blacklist – Scam Brokers. Last table update: 3rd July 2016. Find below our binary options brokers blacklist with scam platforms. You should avoid to deposit or trade with them, so they have bad reputation for fraud, withdrawal issues or several scams. Please contact us through “report a problem ” form or just publish an user review if you have problems with an specific broker. We’ll check into this for you. He has been a professional trader for over 5 years. Currently he works as forex analyst for different investment companies, and also the main author at USBinaryOptions. com. Latest posts by James S. Martin (see all) Tauribot Review - February 3, 2016 Binary Hedge Fund Review - December 4, 2015 Binary Option Robot Review - February 12, 2015. Trading in Financial instruments always carries an element of risk and it´s not recommended for all investors or traders.

Before deciding to trade binary options you should evaluate your investment goals, your experience and risk propensity. You need to know there is the possibility of losing some or all of your initial investment therefore you should avoid to invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Disclaimer of Liability. The information contained within UsBinaryOptions. com is only for general information and educational purposes only, and it's not intended to provide financial advice. Usbinaryoptions. com, its employees, ando agents , are not responsible for a loss of damage of any kind. This includes profit loss that may come directly, or indirectly, from us or the information that is posted on usbinaryoptions. com. *US Regulation Disclaimer. All binary options brokers or trading platforms listed as "International Brokers" on our site are not regulated within United States with any of the regulatory agencies. Binary Options.

In the world of forex, Binary options are one of the newest trading options on the block. They are also known as digital options and are relatively easy to use when you know what you are doing. This is just one of the reasons why binary options trading has become so popular, so quickly. Below is our top list of trusted binary options brokers, read more below this top list. Binary options trading can be alluring in it’s simplicity. However, trading in binary options should be based on knowledge and practise as with any other type of trading. So we suggest that you start by reading these two articles before you start trading. In-depth information on binary options trading: Why Binary Trading Has Grown So Quickly. The binary bets sites are popular and have grown due to the ease of use and good profit possibility. It is all done with the stock exchange and you get the chance to decide whether the stock will go up or down in the time that you want to work with. You can make a call option, which is when you believe the stock will go up or a put option if you believe it will go down. While there is risk, this is much lower than the general stock market and other forms of forex trading. You get to set the time that you trade in and can cut it down to as much as a few minutes or you can set the trade for months at a time. It is very important to not go into binary options trading with little knowledge.

Like any form of trading and investment, there are risks to your money and if you go in with little knowledge, you will run the risk of losing all of your money. Do your research into trading binary and learn more about it before you go in all guns blazing. There are a number of spread betting strategies to follow, and people before you, who have learned the best tips, will offer them some for free and some for a small fee. These are worth looking into to help you make the best decision for your money. While learning these tips, it is worth setting up a demo account so that you do not risk any of your own money. All of the binary options brokers in our top list above offer demo accounts to start out with. Finding the Right Broker and Sites. Of course, to gain all of the benefits of trading binary, you will need to make sure you choose the best binary options trading platform available. There are many options for binary options brokers out there and it can make your choice difficult. Another issue is that there are many websites that are scams and prey on the people who want to invest money and profit quickly. This is something that you need to look out for. Finding binary options brokers that can be trusted is something that is actually relatively simple.

Because the world of binary options has grown so quickly, there are plenty of websites out there to help you with your decisions they will lead you to the websites that can be trusted for your trading. At the same time, there are comparison websites to help you determine the best platform for your needs. In the top list above you will find trusted binary options brokers chosen by Forextraders. com. Something to remember is that the different binary options sites will offer different rates of return on the trades. This is something that you need to compare so that you find the one that will offer you the best return the best return means more profit for you. However, this is not just about your accurate estimates you should also look into the return on the inaccurate estimates, as some brokers will offer a small return, which lowers the risk to your investment. Take your time when it comes to binary options. This is a great way to make money but only if you are careful and aware of all the risks. Do your research into any of the platforms around. There are plenty of them. Top 10 Binary Option Sites: Best Binary Option Sites for 2017. We extend a very warm welcome to you and thank you for visiting the Top 10 Binary site, here you are going to find information and helpful guides that will allow you to find the perfect Binary Option trading sites and Binary Option Brokers that will offer you everything you will need to be online and trading options in no time at all. We have tried to pack as much relevant information into each of our top 10 Binary Options and Forex trading site listings as is possible, as we know and fully understand that you want access to a range of different services, trade types as well as sites that will cater for your trades, irrespective of whether you are making high or low valued trades.

Do you want to learn to how to trade binary options , or looking to find out how binary options trading works . Then follow the link above to find the answers to the questions you may have. Below you will find an overview of what you will find on offer as you look around our website, which is something that we do of course encourage you to do! Top 10 Binary Options Brokers – With so many new Binary Option Brokers opening up sites online, then you should be 100% confident that the one you choose to use is licensed and can be trusted, and as such all of the top 10 Binary Option Brokers we have listed will always live up to your expectations and are of course fully licensed and regulated. Top 10 Forex Brokers – Should you be interested in trading currencies then your first port of call should be our listing of the top 10 Forex Brokers, all of those listed really are the cream of the crop and offer a huge collection of currencies for you to trade against. Top 10 Binary Option Sites – There are plenty of places listing on our website where you can trade all manner of binary Options, and many of those listed on our top 10 Binary Option sites listing will also let you open up a demo account, so if are setup for Binary Options trading then you will be able to see your initial set of trades. Top 10 Binary Trading Sites – To complement all of the trading sites listed throughout our website we also have a top 10 Binary Trading sites guide, now when you take a look at this guide you will find all of the information you will require to find a site that caters for the types of trades you wish to make. In-depth Binary Trading Site Reviews. There are of course several different factors that you will need to carefully consider before choosing a Binary Options trading site to join up to and become a customer of, and below we have listed the top trading sites we have come across, and within our website you will find full and in-depth reviews of what each of them has to offer you. Ashock. TopOption – This leading and established Binary Options trading site has become very popular with plenty of traders, one of the most outstanding features of the TopOption site is the extremely user friendly trading interface, and even if you have no experience of trading in Binary Options you will soon get the hang of it thanks to their very useful and helpful trading guides. AnyOption – One online binary Options trading site that has been receiving rave reviews from many of our website visitors is the AnyOption site, they have left no stone unturned to ensure that all of their customers get everything they could every need from a trading site, plus a whole lot of little extras you may not have even thought of! 24Option – You will enjoy using the trading interface at the 24Option site for it is easy to use, and is also available to use on mobile devices, so if you are not near your computer or lap top but still want to make some Binary Option trades today then you can now do just that wherever you happen to be. Banc De Binary – One final Binary Option trading site that we are more than happy to introduce and showcase to you is the Banc De Binary site, famed for their easy to use trading platform and their rapid payouts you will always be getting the best Binary Options trading experience when you utilize any of their services, they are another of our top rated trading sites and as such you really ought to consider using them one day soon! Binary Brokers Reviews and Platforms List. We have compared the best regulated binary options brokers and platforms 2017 and created this top list. Every broker and platform has been personally reviewed by us to help you find the best binary options platform for both beginners and experts.

The sortable comparison list below shows which trading sites came out on top based on different criteria. You can sort the list using payout, minimum deposit, bonus offers or if the operator is regulated or not. You can also read full reviews of each broker, helping you make the best choice. Below the comparison list is some advice on how to pick the best trading platform for you, as this will often come down to your personal requirements and needs. How to Compare Brokers and Platforms. In order to trade binary options, you need to engage the services of a binary options broker. Here at binaryoptions. net we have provided a list with all the best comparison factors that will help you select which trading broker to open an account with. We have also looked at our most frequently asked questions, and have noted that these are important factors when traders are comparing different brokers: What is the Minimum Deposit? Are they regulated and with what regulator? Where can I open a Demo Account? Is there a signals service, and is it free? Can I trade on my mobile phone and is there an app?

Is there a Bonus available for new trader accounts? What are the Terms and. conditions ? Who has the best binary trading platform? Which broker has the best asset lists? Which broker has the largest range of expiry times (30, 60 second, end of day, long term? How much is the minimum trade? What types of options are available? (Touch, Ladder, Boundary, Pairs etc) Additional Tools – Like Early closure, or Metatrader 4 (Mt4) plugin or integration. We cover as many of these comparison factors as possible in our list above, but we go into much more depth within each review. Regulated Binary Brokers. Regulation is a key factor when judging the best broker.

Unregulated brokers are not always scams, or untrustworthy, but it does mean a trader must do more ‘due diligence’ before trading with them. Leading regulatory bodies include: – The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (Cyprus and the EU) – Financial Conduct Authority (UK) CFTC – Commodity Futures Trading Commission (US) FSB – Financial Services Board (South Africa) There are other regulators in addition to the above, and in some cases, brokers will be regulated by more than one organisation. This is becoming more common in Europe where binary options are coming under increased scrutiny. Reputable, premier brands will have regulation of some sort. Regulation is there to protect traders, to ensure their money is correctly held and to give them a path to take in the event of a dispute. It should therefore be an important consideration when choosing a trading partner. Both sign up bonuses and demo accounts are used to attract new clients. Bonuses are often a deposit match, a one-off payment or risk free trade . Whatever the form of bonus, there are terms and conditions that need to be read. It is worth taking the time to understand those terms before signing up. If the terms are not to your liking then the bonus loses any attraction and that broker may not be the best choice. Some bonus terms tie in your initial deposit too. It is worth reading T&Cs before agreeing to any bonus, and worth noting that many brokers will give you the option to ‘opt out’ of taking a bonus. Using a bonus effectively is harder than it sounds. If considering taking up one of these offers, think about whether, and how, it might affect your trading.

One common issue is that turnover requirements within the terms, often cause traders to ‘over trade’. If the bonus does not suit you, turn it down. Binary options demo accounts are the best way to try both binary options trading, and specific brokers, without needing to risk any money. You can get demo accounts at more than one broker, try them out and only deposit real money at the one you find best. It is also possible that it is useful to have accounts at more than broker. For example, payouts for two different assets might be best at different brokers. You can shop around, and use whichever account has the best payout for that asset. Demo accounts offer the best way to try out a brand, risk free. Low Minimum Deposits. If you are looking to get involved with binary options for the first time, low minimum deposit requirements may be of interest. For traders just looking to try binary options, a low minimum deposit broker might be best. A small initial deposit keeps risks low. Minimum deposits start at just $5 and there are a growing number of brokers offering low minimum deposits – “low” would be any minimum under $50. Likewise, all brokers will have a minimum trade requirement too.

These can vary greatly. Minimum trade figures range from $1 to $25 – which is a large difference if a trader plans to trade frequently. For some traders, this might be less of a factor in terms of finding the best broker for them, but for others it will be very important. Practice accounts are a zero risk way of learning to trade. One element many traders use to find the best binary options trading account, is the payout percentage on offer. This is not always a simple comparison however. Payouts will change based on the asset being traded, and the expiry time of the option. In addition, payouts will change as the broker manages their own risk. So if one broker was originally the best price, things may then revert and mean that another now has the top payout. So the most an investor can do, is to check the payouts for assets, and expiry times they are most likely to make, and judge which brand offers the best terms most often.

Demo accounts are good when researching payouts on specific assets and trades. Exchange traded and over the counter brokers will have different payouts – and they will not be easy to compare. In general, exchange traded options offer superior value. Nadex are one example of an exchange. So as you can see, finding the best trading account and broker is not always easy – but it is worth noting that you are free to move between brokers whenever you like. So even if an account turns out to be poor, it is easy to up sticks and find a new trading firm. Likewise, a trader could have multiple accounts, and open trades at the broker with the best terms for that particular trade. Which is the Best Binary Trading Platform? Naming the best trading platform is not easy, simply because trading platforms are normally a question of personal taste. One user might like a simple layout, while others might need a lot of data on screen all the time. However, platforms do have different levels of quality, both in terms of ease of use, and features.

Broadly speaking, brands which offer Contracts for Difference in addition to binary options, deliver a more feature-rich trading platform. So the likes of Nadex and ETX Capital, will deliver a very professional trading platform. MetaTrader integration is also normally provided at the more professional brokers (Some use both mt4 and mt5 functionality) . This difference in quality is evidence of the maturity of binary options as a product, but binary brands will catch up very quickly. How do Brokers Make Money? Binary options brokers make money via one of two business models: As a counter-party, ensuring an ‘over round’ via payout percentages. Known as ‘Over the counter’ (OTC) Via a spread or commission on an exchange traded model. People who have experience of other forms of trading, and are now approaching over-the-counter (OTC) brokers for the first time may find themselves asking the question: “ Where is the commission? ”. With OTC binaries however, there is no commission. In theory, the term ‘brokers’, is not correct. Binary firms are not arranging a deal or acting as a middleman What they are, is the counter-party to each of their customers’ positions.

So there is no fee or commission for the trade. Instead, each customer is essentially betting against the house. Where brokers have both sides of a trade covered, they have a handsome margin. Where they do not, the payout still gives them a level of protection. In certain circumstances, the broker will also hedge it’s own position to mitigate risk. Those companies (Nadex, for instance) that trade binary options via an exchange operate much more like a ‘broker’. Unlike the OTC market where the platform is the counter party, with exchange traded options, the broker is the middleman – matching buyers with sellers and charging a commission. There is far less risk involved for the broker, and therefore generally better returns per trade for the trader. Who Regulates Binary Brokers? There are a number of regulatory bodies that monitor binary options: – The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission MGA – Malta Gaming Authority – Financial Conduct Authority CFTC – Commodity Futures Trading Commission. In Europe, regulation can be used to ‘passport’ around Europe. So a regulated firm can operate in the UK, Germany or Spain for example. There are however, moves for domestic regulators in each each country to take greater control of their own affairs. Around the globe, regulation is normally organised within the specific country, so CFTC in the US or the FSB (Financial Service Board) in South Africa for example.

This offers consumers the best level of protection. Regulators are now taking a much harder line on binary options firms that break financial rules or operate dishonest schemes. The landscape will change quickly over the coming months, and the industry will be treated in a similar fashion to other investments. Should You Use Multiple Brokers? There are some very good arguments for having more than one binary trading account: Brokers suit certain trades . Different brokers will suit different trading styles, or trade types. So one broker might be excellent for shorter term trade types, and have great payouts on forex pairs. But that same brand may be slightly less good when it comes to offering boundary trades or indices payouts. If a rival had a full set of long term expiries with great payouts, and lots of choice of boundary trades – it makes sense to have accounts with both, and place trades with the broker that offered the best deal for each trade. Demo accounts . Multiple demo accounts makes perfect sense – you want to try as many brokers and trading platforms as possible before deciding where to trade. Reduce risk . Accounts at more than one broker protects you from any issues with a particular firm.

From issues as serious as insolvency, to smaller things, like website downtime or a market being closed – multiple accounts reduces your risk of being affected by any hardship a broker might face. Multiple offers . Each sign up can mean a new bonus, so it might be worthwhile taking up more than one account to receive all the offers. As ever, read the terms – and also note that on occasion, larger deposits might mean larger bonuses – so splitting them may not be the best choice. Spread winnings . Some brokers may look for winning traders on their books, with a view to restricting their trading, perhaps limiting trade size – or worse. While this threat is thankfully small, multiple accounts means spreading the winnings out. Most brokers will search for “winners” based on total profit rather than strike rate, so hiding the volume across broker accounts can help you stay below their radar. Exchange versus OTC (Over the Counter) Brokers. A broker that offers an exchange is much closer to a traditional ‘broker’ than OTC brokers. An exchange performs the job of ‘middleman’. They will match a seller of an asset, with a buyer of the same asset, and charge a commission for putting the deal together. The market itself will decide the prices – if there are more sellers than buyers, the price will drift down until demand rises. If there are more buyers than those willing to sell, the option price will rise.

A broker operating an exchange does not mind who wins and who loses. They take no risk on the trade themselves (unless the traders are trading on credit). The broker will make their commission on the trade regardless of the outcome. Due to this reduced risk for the broker, the returns for a winning trader are generally larger. Commissions are usually small relative to the size of the trade, meaning they do not impact the payout too much. Other benefits include the fact that stop losses can be applied, and also that trades can be closed at any time (to take a profit or reduce losses). The complications with exchanges, comes from the structure. An exchange traded binary option will “trade” somewhere between 0 and 100. Where 0 is the figure used where an event did not occur, and 100 where it did. If the current price is currently 30, a ‘buyer’ would risk 30 times his trade size, to potentially win 70. A ‘seller’ therefore, would risk 70 to win 30. While not a complicated equation, it is slightly more complex than the straight forward over the counter option. OTC (Over The Counter) Brokers.

The most common type is the Over the counter (OTC) broker, but this type of firm is not really a ‘broker’ at all strictly speaking. They are the counter-party to one side of the trade. So where a trader opens a position, the broker will win or lose money, based on whether the trade wins or loses. Only where the broker has another trader who has made the exact opposite trade, will they have assured profits. Due to this increased risk, the brokers will offer a lower payout which mitigates some of the risk they are taking. It is therefore likely to be lower than an exchange traded broker. Some firms will also have built in ‘hedging’ mechanisms to reduce risk further. In some cases, one side of trade might be made unavailable if liabilities get too large. The simplicity of binary options is retained with OTC brokers. They have also made great strides in competing with exchanges by offering ‘cash out’ values for options, allowing traders to close positions early, and set up stop losses. Once those features become common the gap between OTC and exchanges will get smaller. For now, traders are better off trading on an exchange – but might be advised to learn the differences via demo account. If you are looking for brokers that support a specific payment method: All of the factors covered above will ultimately affect the way a trader plays the market, and therefore, their profitability.

The ideal situation is to get a binary broker that offers: Several financial assets spread across several markets Offers a reasonable bonus with a good payout approaching 90% Offers flexible expiration dates without boxing traders into very long expirations. Trading using a broker’s platform will only be enjoyable, and profitable, if you are using a reputable operator. You also need to choose one that suits your trading style best – only you will know what that is. Read the above binary broker reviews carefully before making that crucial trading decision, but remember you are not tied in to any single broker, and can pick and choose. Binary Options Brokers. Looking for your next binary options broker? You’ve landed in the right place. Here you will find detailed information, reviews, and ratings about almost all binary options brokers in the industry… or at least the ones that matter enough. Whether you are new to binary options or a seasoned trader looking for a new broker, this is the place to start and find the best broker for you. Never invest before reading the BinaryOptionsThatSuck. com broker review first! Binary Options Brokers List 2017. The word “broker” comes up in about any binary options conversation and that’s because you cannot trade binaries without using one.

If you are new to all of this, then you’re probably wondering what brokers are so here’s the quick rundown: they are the intermediary between the trader and the financial market, so when you want to open a trade, you will have to go through the broker. You will need a brokerage account and then if you want to trade, you will have to fund that account. Here’s when potential problems may arise. There are literally hundreds of brokers out there, so finding one will not be a problem… Choosing the right one may prove to be difficult because all brokers have different trading conditions. Learn about the Brokers. Your first concern should be the safety of your money. Is this broker regulated? Are they trustworthy? What do other clients say about them? There have been a lot of scams in the early days of Binary Options and although now things are a lot safer, you will still encounter brokers that try to scam you in various ways.

That being said, when choosing your next Binary Options broker, this is one of the first questions you have to ask yourself: is this brokerage regulated by a major financial watchdog like (Cyprus), ASIC (Australia), (United Kingdom), CFTC (United States), or any other local regulator? Only a few of the unregulated brokers are trustworthy. Your second concern should be about trading conditions. How much is the minimum deposit? How much is the minimum trade? What assets are they offering? What’s the average return? Will I get a refund in case of a losing trade? If you plan on investing low, you will have to choose a broker with a low investment per trade. If the broker allows you to trade lower amounts per trade, that means that you can stay in the game longer and a losing trade will not be such a big deal. And finally, the BOTS score. We take everything we just talked about into consideration and translate it into a number anywhere between 0-10. These numbers are also based on client’s opinion, so it’s not only us you can trust but also traders like yourself.

For more information regarding each and every broker, click on the brokers’ name. Trust is a major issue when it comes to these companies because, as I mentioned above, you will have to fund an account with them, so your money will be in their possession. If the brokerage is legit, then you have nothing to worry about, because you can withdraw at anytime or use that money for trading and make a profit. The matters above and much more (like Bonuses, Fees, Commissions, Deposits and Withdrawals, etc.) are extensively covered in our Broker Reviews. We are doing everything we can to keep our reviews comprehensive and up to date, so don’t let our work go to waste. Use it! List of best binary options brokers xp Yes its true - Even the Best Binary Options Brokers Suck sometimes! Binary Options brokers are popping out like mushrooms after the rain and making it very hard to distinguish between the good ones and poisonous ones. This list of not recommended Binary Options brokers was created after hours of research and continues to update every day. There are several reasons these brokers are listed here: Firstly, they are unregulated brokers. For us in Binary Options that Suck, only regulation or brokers in progressive process of regulation could revoke all suspicious for a Binary Options Scam hence are recommended. Second, these brokers’ cons have exceeded their pros. Whether the problem is bad user interference, support or exaggerated funding demands, if a broker isn’t performing in the highest level of transparency and performance required by BOTS team, it is not recommended by us. It’s important to understand that the fact these brokers are listed in the not recommended brokers list doesn’t mean they are scam or a fraud.

Readers are more than welcome to change our mind about these brokers or share their other feelings with us. Why these Binary Options Brokers suck. Just like every other business, when a costumer invests his money and time he expects the best service available. When it comes to Binary Options, brokers must offer the best service and advanced technology available to ensure maximum satisfaction. Only the best Binary Options brokers maintain top quality trading performance, the others are listed above for a reason. We focused mainly on 3 main categories: 1. User interference-whether the website is user friendly or not, the level of support, learning material etc. 2. Trading platform - Problems related to the trading system, including variety, expiry times and special features. 3. Funding issues - What’s the minimum depositwithdrawal, how big the bonus is (for good or for bad) and other charged fees. Take a close look at our reviews before choosing a broker to understand more! BDB is SCAM , they put bonus to your account after you request to withdraw funds , they tell you that you have to trade it 30 times on volume even if you never asked to get any bonus. also binaryoptionsdaily , I complained many time on there website about BDB and they never post my comments , advise don’t use this website to review brokers. vipbinary is a problem, as well. suspect on quote fulfillment, no support at all on questions about wrong trades at fulfillment. they suck. do not do business with them.

vipbinary is a scam, I have been waiting for a withdrawal for more that 15 business days now. They answer my chats or emails. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH VIPBINARY….THEY ARE A SCAM. ######### SPAM USER – 10 COMMENTS FROM THE SAME IP – Used 6 different Names ################ Finding the right binary broker, wondering where and what to invest was my biggest headache, until irecently came across this place 777Binary. They have excelled the binary trading, and made it easy as a, b,c. gotta share it. Please do Not post any Spam on our comments area. Our system will approve and activate the warning sign. Do not do business with Cititrader it is a scam. vip is good at avoiding questions or comments on withdrawl, 9 months later and they still have my $400 I refuse to do business with them they SUCK. Option XO Are SCAMM.

My last trade was: DOWN (PUT) GBPUSD 040513 Entry 1.53388 “Expire Time ” 1.53390. BUT THIS INFORMATION IS INCORRECT . THE REAL PRICE ACCORDING WITH YAHOO, REUTERS AND OTHERS WAS: 1.5337 . THIS GUYS HAVE THEIR OWN FOREX NUMBER JUST TO MAKE SURE YOU DON’T WIN THE TRADE… 24optios still advertises $250 on web but when you go to set up account it is $500. 777binary brokers all say they are senior, boy, do they know how to loose money, I think I could loose it just as fast on my own without there expert advice. Do you have a valid phone number for option licks? I have requested a deposit refund for over 6 months now and they won’t respond. This is nothing but online theft. Any advice on how to report these crooks to the authorities? LOOK OUT FOR XP MARKET binary Options scam.

Put in £2000 and kept a diligent state of my account to every trading. Downloaded on my Excel software. After a short period when £485.19 was not accounted for the senior manager who looks after my account asked me to contact support and report. Did not receive any reply. I was in direct contact with my XPMarket senior manager on skype. He tells me there is nothing wrong reports the account dept to him. Now why do you think support did not send me any details or even reply to dozen of emails sent? I requested my senior manager to send me the account and prove it to me there is no errors. As he did not and repeatedly said the account dept has checked several times. I asked why support did not respond to my many requests for the my account.

He did not want to know. I send him all the daily statements and the missing part where it jumps from a point showing the short account. XP then closed my account and would not return my emails. You are able to contact them and they will be in contact with you before you dump money into XPMarkets. But after, they is no way you can contact them by phone. has anyone heard about vault options or trader XP as brokers? VaultOptions they don’t reply on my email I sent concerning the withdrawal I made on the 27112013 its the 15122013 today but still I haven’t received that money. Bad Broker. You forgot to list BO Capital. Promises bonus payments after initial investment that never materialize. I wish I could get this information before I invest a lump sum of money with some of these brokers just to loose it. I even lost even with 24option. But your explanation about why even trusted binary options brokers suck is somewhat acceptable.

I’ll try to be more careful in the future, because they almost use the same tactics to attract people. Nrgbinary is sham. They are not regulated. They promised heaven and earth before deposit and when you want to withdraw your money they start telling you stories. They are not regulated either in Cyprus or anywhere so you can only take them to court. Yeah I noticed this on other review sites, the people that run 777Binary are obviously spamming fake reviews…They are woefull…avoid. Do not trade binary options with. They just screw u and take yur money. I lost over 120k trading with them and never got a penny from them. Stay away from them they r liars and theives. I MUST SAY BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE.. DO NOT TRADE IN SETOPTION ( setoption. com)THEY ARE TOTALLY SCAM.

THE SUPPORT IS *******SHIT!!(DUSTIN) THEY JUST WANT YOUR MONEY THEN AFTER ALL THEY WILL NOT ENTERTAIN YOU AGAIN..HOW RUDE.. I HAVE A COPY OF OUR CONVERSATION SO I’M NOT TELLING LIES HERE. Zenith Options is a Scam. You will not get your money back. Horrible Customer Service. This binary options provider is corrupt. Run in the other direction there are plenty of Binary options providers that offer great service and fast withdrawals. BAD IDEA. hello, first i like to say thanks for all the usefull info and great school!

im a newbie and studiing my brains out! i do like to know if anyone heart of optiontime. com. Its owned by Safecap. they suppose to be the first broker that uses the Keystone Binary Options Trading Platform. they have a pro traiders tab with a chart and tools. are they any good. anyone tested it already? is the broker okay? be gratefull for any anwsers.

sorry for my bad english. (not a native speaker) Zenith brokers is a total scam- 1) you can never get your money back-have been trying for 6 weeks to get some winnings-no result. 2) no customer support-they dont even answer your e-mail, and you can never call them, 3) they give you bonus so you can never withdraw your cash-and even when you ask for the bonus to be removed, they still do not givbe you teh cash. TOTAL SCAM-Do0nt use them. correction: traderush has poor customer service. my account manager urged me accept a bonus in which that time i was new to binary options. he didn’t guide me or teach me strategies to win trades. they are just good when you deposit the money but after that you are worthless to *them. as long as you keep losing, they are happy… TRADERXP IS A FRAUDULANT BROKER THROUGH THE ACTIONS OF ACCOUNT MANAGER ADAM ANSARI. On 3 April 2014 I deposit $250 with TraderXP to trade Push Button Millionaire. On 3 April I received an email from AdamA who advised me that tried to phone but there was no answer. He can only get my email address and mobile number through my apllication and deposit details.

On 4 April I submitted all my Identification Documents as required to TraderXp. Once I place the 1st trade and lost, I discovered that Push Button Millionaire was a scam system as the system they market is not the same you get once you deposit money with the broker. I received a $250 bonus from TraderXP. I then decided to close my account. On 10 April I request a withdrawel which was successfully processed. On 17 April I checked with support as to when I expect my money. I was informad that it takes 7 days. On Friday 25 April I was contacted on my mobile by Adam Ansari and when I questioned him on my withdrawel he confirmed that he knows about it but he wants to help me to trade Binary Options. He conned me into a sure trade saying that I will end up with close to a thousand dollars that night and convinced me put $400 on Gold in a Call for 20.00. This I did. During the weekend I tried to enter the brokers platform with my email and password but I keep getting a message that I use the wrong email or password. On Monday I contacted TraderXP the reason for being able to access my account details and was informad that I am not a client of theirs and that they find my email listed in their system. After a number of emails between us they informed that I was registered under a foreign email and that I should use that email to communicate with them.

If I use that email it is tantimount to fraud as that is not my email address at all. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IS THAT THE RECOMMENDED TRADE BY ADAM ANSARI WAS A LOSS AND HE THEM WIPED ME OFF THE SYSTEM SO THAT COULD NOT DISCOVERED WHAT HAPPENED. Once I supplied them with the registration proof they broke off all contact with me. TRADERXP AND STAFF ARE THEREFOR FRAUDULANT AND TRADERS SHOULD BE AWARE OF THEM. i want to do business with trade rush, i don`t know if it is a scam or registered. How about BIG OPTION? I signed up won some $$$$, then asked about a withdraw, got no answer. I am just now starting to trade, did I pick the wrong Broker?? DO NOT invest your hard earned money with OPTION MINT Binary Broker in Toronto, Canada. You Will Not See it Ever Again. Their Customer Service Dept. (and con-artist CHAD) will LIE and SCAM and tell STORIES to you so they get every cent of your BONUS AND lie to you to make you want to deposit more money so you can lose it as fast as they can make a phone CALL to YOU. And they’ll keep calling you until you’ve LOST it ALL at their Cust.

Service command. Their customer service dept. does Not Want to Keep their traders happy at all. They don’t even want to Keep them AT ALL.” Ive used zenith options for the past month and ive realized the customer service is non existent as they never pick up and never reply to theyre so called “Live online chat”. Basically I made double the amount through my own mean of signals. And now they are refusing to give me my money back. I make a withdrawal request then a week or 2 later i would recieved an email saying “Your withdrawal request has been rejected” And that is all the email will say, no reason as to why… So they take money no problem but to give it back will take a good couple months. Im trying to find a way of withdrawing all my funds and using another broker. Zenith options are one of the worst, if not the worst broker to use concerning binary trading. I want to report bfxts. com.

This company comprises a bunch of amateurs. I was contacted by them and they convinced me to invest in binary options. I transferred USD 1000 from my credit card on April 21, 2014, and I gave them the details of my card as part of completing the procedures. For a whole month, they did 2 or 3 transactions where they did a decent profit, then they lost the profit and part of the original sum. I asked more than 5 times to refund the remaining sum of my money, and they refuse to give it back to me till today. So, my situation is as follows: – I Lost USD 1000 from my credit card, which I have to pay back to the bank. – I am paying interests on this amount since the end of april 2014. -My details were abused, and I found that a transaction was made through my card on dellmont. com, which I suppose was abused by them, coz I don’t use this card on the internet, except this one time. – Now I have to suspend my credit card for two weeks, re-issue another one for extra fees.

It was the worst decision I ever made in my life. Not recommended at all. I recommend more nrgbinary. com. They are more trustworthy and decent and very disciplined. anyone heard of big options and are they a scam. I don’t see Spot FN on any of your lists. I’ve been trying to get my withdrawal from them since June 8th. They have my picture ID and docu-sign form - but no one can tell me when my withdrawal will be processed. I have more info about my problems with Spot Fn, including a log of when I called and who I spoke with. If I see this company on your list of scam brokers I will respond with more. I am new to Options trading and have signed up with Big Options.

I noticed they are not on your list. Have you heard anything about them??Any comments would be appreciated. Just wondering if anyone can tell us anything about bigoptin… and interactiveoption. com. interactive option will never pay you. i’ve been trying since may to withdraw my investment with no luck. Try to make withdrawal from Lbinary, its like getting blood out of a stone . Yes i only had bad experins with them . They cancel all my withdrawal attempts . After talkin me into depositing a lot of money by so called manager named Michele Zapos , after my deposit she became very scarce , she assured me withdrawals would be a breeze without hassle .

when i lost half my money after 2 months i decided to withdraw my money. Lo and behold she had planted a small bonus without my permission , now i am in limbo. In short Lbinary is built on lies, deceit , manipulation. If anyone have an ansver i like to know about it. they refuse to pay up , i even heard them laughing at me on the phone. Is anyone familiar with YES OPTION? I have been researching binary trading and different companies and they come highly recommended but can not find much on them…anyone has info it would be appreciated. My experience is one of horror. I received a cold call, but as I had used Binary options sites previously I suspected that they were in the habit of passing on information of past customers. Anyway, I was persuaded to deposit $500 to allow me to show them what they could do, and fair enough, I got an “insured” trade which won, and this took my account up to $850. As these “Insured” trades were only available for new deposits I was again persuaded to deposit $2,000, which again became $3700 after another successful trade. Now my account was at $4550 for a deposit of only $2,500. It sounded too good to be true, but I was promised that anytime I wished to withdraw money it would be returned to my card account within 48 hours.

I had no need to withdraw the money at the time. I was then persuaded to boost my account once again, so deposited another $2,000, which once again traded successfully to boost my account further. I was then asked to take one final step to reach “Platinum” status, which would earn me five trades per week, as well as the “Insured” trade which came along with the deposit. I went along with it, gave them permission to withdraw $10,500 from my account. Unfortunately, due to an “error” on their part, they withdrew a total of $15,000. When I pointed out their “error” they apologised and asked my to make out a Withdrawal request for the additional $4,500 which they had taken without my authority, assuring me that it would be in my account within 72 hours. Meanwhile, the “insured” trade went ahead, winning as usual and my account was just short of $40,000, including my additional $4,500. I went on vacation then and was out of contact, but I checked my bank regularly, looking for the $4,500 coming back into my account, but it never arrived. On my return, I began sending e-mails to query the delay on the return of my money, and also completing a deposit form which they requested. They responded confirming the receipt of my deposit form, but did not respond in regard to any query I made on the delay in the return of my money.

I sent e-mails to the trader who was in charge of my account and whom had always spoken to me on the phone, and also to their support team, and to their accounts team, but did not receive one response. By this time my concerns were fearing the worst, so I went into my account on 20th Oct and requested the withdrawal of the remainder of my funds which amounted to $37,085. I checked my account once more today to see what had happened (to see if my withdrawal had been approved) and was horrified to see that only $585 remained in my account. On checking my account records, I found that my withdrawal request for $37,085 had been “Cancelled” and on the same day they had continually made trades of $5,000 from my account, losing on all except two occasions, until such time as my account was depleted to the sum of $585 which still remains in my account. I have made a further withdrawal request for the remaining sum, but I rate my chances of receiving anything from them as nil…or possibly less. So, beware…. DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER USING Options24Hours. Ok, guys, what about rboptions, are they good guys? I had made a NrgBinary Options withdrawal request on my deposit balance – many months ago. Still awaiting for the funds. My backroom with them shows it was approved. But never seen the funds in my bank.

No replies to my several requests to support to help explain were not replied. I suggest NrgBinary Options is listed here as “unrecommended.” I can submit more proof on this score, if need be. Please resond. Thank you. Why is Grand Option in this list? They are 24Option’s sister company. Can we add BO Capital to the brokers that suck list? Their web site is : bocapital. com I have an account with them and requested a withdraw that the approved over 1 month ago and they have not sent the funds to my bank account and they refuse to answer my emails to their support email address where I an requesting an update on when these funds will be made available. They also never seem to be available to answer the phone either… Are there any other sites out there where I can share this info to help others not get taken by these people? Don’t trust these guys.

Do not invest with Tiger Options. I wound up loosing many thousands of dollars trying to get back my initial investment. They tell you it is insured — when it isn’t. Then they sell you a get even program and then don’t answer their phone so that you violate “must trade every day” rule. No. No. No. Don’t do it. Over several days I was talked into giving OptionMint moneyfrom my checking account. Then hey wanted to use PayPal and took money from my account so fast I could not keep up. All in all, they got $30,000. When I asked them for a withdrawal, they said I had “charged back” all my funds. the thing is, I have all our bank statements from the period they quoted, and there is not ONE deposit from them. Wat they told me was a plain LIE. and I can prove it with the bank statements. I sent them those, and a letter from a lawyer.

No response. I am out $30,000. Unbelievable. BIG WARNING. This is a shady and fraudulent operation. uBinary is a scam. You can trade and trade, and you will see your account growing bigger (if you’re lucky), but once you say you want your money out everything changes. My account was taken from over $60,000 to $81 (yes, that’s almost $60,000 of losses) in less than 5 days once I said I wanted my money. This has happened to the 2 people I referred as well. One of them, $37,000 over night, and the other about $20,000. The system does not allow you to process a request for withdrawal yourself, it says you have to contact your account manager. I’ve been waiting for my account manager to call me or reply to my emails for over 2 weeks. You have no one to talk to except a receptionist who will say that he will inform your account manager that you called, no escalation point whatsoever.

I have full email trails of what has happened, and I’m more than happy to share them with anyone who cares. Do not use Big Option, I used them and they lost me all my money, that was with a supposed senior broker assisting me. She also said she would match what I put in so I added another £300 which she did match then lost the lot, that was after losing my initial £250 deposit so my account was completely wiped out, not one single win! I then left it a few weeks then stupidly added another £250 but got cold feet so asked for my money back, they are now saying I can’t have it because I hadn’t fulfilled my bonus conditions! This is after me matching what they did so how they can still say this I don’t know. I’m furious I keep requesting to withdraw my money and they keep cancelling saying I’ve not fulfilled my bonus agreement! They have lost me every single trade. Do not use these people, they are useless and you’ll struggle to get your money back. I don’t know what to do now, really need that money. IN reference to LBINARY, avoid them at all costs! they have had over 150,000.00 of our money for 9 months now, have not made us one cent, will not let us withdraw our funds, LIE. They have made up some of the most outrageous lies you can imagine in order not to give us back our money. they have not paid back the credit cards we used, and have accused me of doing a charge back on a wire transfer of $30,000.!We thought we would be making money, but instead we are destitute. I have invested $2100 in Bee-option – account manager gave me her recommendation (JAN2015 NFP) I made good profit (trade size $1000 made profit $600)- and when I have asked to withdraw (based on their website you have to submit your request on Monday and they review all request on Thursday.

I made my request on 29 Jan 2015 – they amend my request on 1 FEb to correct total amount which will send to CC (credit card) and amount to transfer via bank. Yesterday, 8 Feb 2015 received a phone call from account manager talked with me about long term investing not making deposit and withdraw after one month. And their company is not bank. And their budget ….etc. I said ok. Just let me know how long I have to wait. Did not give me time-frame. I have send to compliance department asking how long I have to wait. they answered your withdrawal will be released as soon as possible. I am waiting – in comparison with 24option – once you make withdrawal request the amount deduct from your balance immediately. Please if you have a experience with bee option let me know. Hello, please does anyone have experience successfully making money and then GETTING IT BACK OUT with insideoption. com .

I can´t find any information on them whatsoever. Is that good or bad? Thing is these guys can probably change their names and work under a different trader name when it suits them so I would like to know before I give them a stash of cash. Thank you! Just tried using binary options, after years and years of trading. Last year i lost €17,000 because of the engineered collapse in the Euro and (the real reason, the primary reason) because, in spite of knowing better, once again i overleveraged a new hedged account at 1:888 leverage, holding eventually a whopping 250 lots (500 hedged). That is about 50,000,000 Euros and it was a disaster! I hope i have finally learned my lesson regarding trading in general (and MT4 in particular), NEVER to trade more than 5 percent of the equity at any time and NEVER to allow the margin percentage to drop below about 1000%. Had i diligently followed those two simple rules, i would not have lost my account, when the Euro ‘fell’ by 21000 pips in eight months and the USDJPY ‘rose’ by about 12,000 pips in the same time (astronimical moves…anyone else experience this!?). I tried IQ Option and found it a pleasure to use, especially the Turbo trades.

I made €5 profit but it took a long time (150 minutes) so i am pleased, because 80 percent or so of my trades were winners. Still, i have quite a way to go to recover my losses… LBinary is a fraud – my broker, Tony Vega, (now fired) lied in e-mails and never traded my account for 312 months – when I tried to withdraw my original deposit($4,750) the dispatcher, Susan Collins, used trickery – resign the bonus agreement for $500 – I did – the small print was difficult to read on the computer – to get my deposited money back the $500 bonus account has to make over $192,000 – turnover 25 times and probably takes 6 months if you are not cheated out of profits. If you are a small investor and need the money – too bad – the whole sales pitch by the unethical broker is that LBinary will give a bonus to protect you from loss and enhance profit. This company is headquartered in Cypress – the US Securities and Exchange Commission has another Binary Option company headquartered in Cypress under investigation for not registering with SEC and trading in US. LBinary has a culture of deceit. It is totally unresponsive to complaints. It’s only interest is calling or e-mailing new clients and locking them into outrageous bonus agreements (for the small investor) and using small investor money to make their profits. These Binary Options companies are not US based but use the internet to trade with US citizens. I am referring this fraud to the leading US progressive against consumer fraud, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau which she set up. I will ask Senator Warren to investigate through the SEC how to require these companies (they are not legal in the US) who trade over the internet to only use hard copy contracts as legal tender for bonus contracts. The British counterpart of our Securities and Exchange Commission may also be of assistance – the internet and telephoning by LBinary is in London. Do not invest in LBinary. any one heard of AAoptions. Do not do business with Option Rally They are in my view scamthieves.

They took all my money. One day there was more than $2200 in my account and the next day there was nothing $0, without doing any trades. I wrote to them email after email but no reply or reaction. is there anything one can do? Has anyone heard of No.1 options? I have just recently joined them but Im suspicious already that they may be a scam. I have just invested €250 and limit my trades to €25 per trade with the option to increase. I’m in profit just now but I have a bad felling that when I ask for a withdrawal I may find that it could be a scam. If anyone has information about this company please let me know thanks. stay away from binarybook they take money out your bank account without your consent so stay away there criminals. OPTION RALLY IS THE BEST BROKER EVER! It is really regulated company and give the right benefits and helped me a lot! I LOVE YOU OPTION RALLY!

<3. A Binary Option company called EveryOption based in London and Cyprus, has an account manager by the name Tony Millo, with his manager or supervisor, David Goldberg. These are the worst scam artists I have come across. Please do not be fooled by Tony Millo, he is a damnn THIEF!! He stole my money in the thousands of US$. Avoid him like a plague!! BFXTS are a total scam. They trade my money well for 6 months increasing account 50%. Then in discs of 2 months lost 80% and refuse to account for taking decisions. Give no explanation and continued to make bad grades after I told them to stop. They are not responding to any emails now. They have my money….. What a bloody bunch of crooks disguised as brokers. It’s blatant theft……. Here my word, avoid BFXTS LIKE THE PLAGUE.

BEWARE of Binarybook. com. The biggest scam i met so far, you put your money, they trade it totally in losing position, then they say they will add bonus that yo uhave to trade with it more than 30 times to withdraw. I will 2nd that. My deposit evaporated in less than 2 weeks with those crooks. Once it was gone, my so-called account manager disappeared as well….As far as the bonus, most brokers require you to trade something like 30 or 40 times the bonus amount before you can withdraw. As far as i am aware these brokers receive a commission on every trade they make so they never loose out. The more trades they make the more money they make. Never join any broker without thoroughly checking them out no matter how genuine they seem. Can you give any info on financialbinary.

com I cannot find them listed, although they do have some of my cash, I am unable in any way to make contact. Their so called Web address is financialbinary. com When it opens there is a secure login, but unfortunately it seems my password is different to what i recall & i cannot find any other working means of contacting them. Hello everybody! I am Tatiana, from Canada. I just wonder if any one had a positive result by trading money? I am trading with OneTwoTrade and unhappy..also. I stil their. But what to do: to lose all money I deposited (a lot for me) and stop after, or put more ( they ask me) and lose again? Who has an experience with a happy end and for how long people stay in hope. Send me email:t_m_@hotmail. ca I will be very appreciated! I’m in an impassability of roads.

I was wondering if you had any additional information on anyoption or its operator ouroboros derivates and whether they are scam or what not . Thank in advance for your time. Please tell me if I should avoid business with One Two Trade Services. Info already exchanged should I QUIT NOW? I’m looking 4 an easy to use sight that I can have 4 an app on my iPhone with easy withdrawels of funds with no bs. DRE…I desperately need to get my $ back. These people took £2000 GBP AND I watched as it dwindled to 0 in about 5 mins. Remote access was taken of my computer and the guy went at it…on his own. That may be small money to some but it’s 2 Mos mortgage payments to me. HELP. I see you have listed ctoption as a trusted broker. Nothing could farther from the truth. Three weeks ago, I submitted a withdrawal. Instead, they commandeered my account by taking ridiculous trade taking my account from $1500 to 25 dollars.

In addition, they took 2 long term trades totalling $1000. I have made repeated phone calls and emails to both my account mgr, James Russel and his boss, George West. Both have ignored my pleas to make this right. I will provide screen shots to prove what I am sayuing. please be a ware of ” Rbinary” rbinary. com it is a big scammer in the market. they access you account manually and convert the win trades into Loss. also they block your profit regardless the amount, so you will be entitled to withdraw the initial investment only. please take care. I’m with Rbinary now.

They are also blocking my money with the bonus and are also keep asking for more money for some “risk free” contracts based on NFP’s. What is your suggestion? What should I do? Hi all i just want to give a heads up to any body who may want to try a place called Bitplutos yeah the site looks nice and runs on the spot option stuff but lets just say i put some bit in .5 btc and won and lost some in the end i made .42 btc so i had .92 btc i took no offers and or bonus none of it so i wanted to pull my coin out but nothing just a few dumb emails asking oh what is your email and oh is it the same bitcoin wallet you used to put in with and oh than the email that said we will get it done sorry for the delay well after two weeks of waiting i know my coin is gone and it is a bad place you can try it or not i just wanted to past my store just saying what i know thanks. I WANT TO TRADE WITH IQ OPTION, IS IT SAFE PLS ADVISE…………. I tried to make agrement about trade with b4binary but it only end up with problems and I never let them trade my deposit and asking my money back, but they never reply me about that. I also ask for licens nr. but don`t get it. I don`t think They have livsens. I have made a word dok. with all detail that I can send by email if you want to help me getting mig money back. All I writing in the doc. is true and I have email about it. It is 250USD tre time I deposit because the system make wrong. I`m angry and find out many brokers make problem so I want to help stopping them.

I`m Danish living in Thailand and used Krugthai bank. Hope to hear from you. Markets Rally after first deposit my senior broker kept asking me to deposit 5k aus. I told him not until I get a return. He suggested i use my site to practise and it only virtual money so not real money. Lost all virtual money I email him said you lost all your money I do not want to trade with you anymore. I will insure I use my social media expertise to let everyone know BEWARE. CToption is a fraud and I can’t believe you endorse them. I have an executive account with them which I opened 8 months ago. After almost 500K in trades with them they changed my account. According to George West they moved it to a different server. It now takes 2 to 3 seconds to process trades and I always get the worst possible price on any trade. To make this clear let me give you an example.

I take a call position on EUR? USD. At the time I take the position the price is at 1.09150. During the 2 to 3 second delay it jumps to 1.09160 and then drops to 1.09140, I get 1.09160. This happens every time on every single trade. In a moving market this can give them a 20 or 30 pip range in which the trader can’t win. Price manipulation is fraud and should not be tolerated but websites like this one recommend them and allow them to continue to trap people. Stay away from CToption they are a fraud and be very careful trusting this website, I did and it cost me dearly. Recently i had deposit my money with quick option.. i was given a 50% bonus matching my deposit.. later than i know that i need to win 30 to 50 times the money offer with me then i can able to do my redraw.. it will take me a very very long time to met the goal unless i trade a lot which will blow my account in a very short time..

so they advise me to deposit more money in to trade so that i can draw out the deposit and bonus given quicker… please advise what should i do? This is a complaint about QBITS and Capital Bank. AVOID THEM. I made a deposit of $500 at Capital Bank, the QBITS related broker, and received an email from the CEO, Jeremy Hart, that my QBITS account was activated. The QBITS autotrader was (in theory) supposed to auto-load onto the joint website with Capital Bank, but this never happened. The “Support” link on their website was not operational at all when I tried to find help. With no other option, I sent multiple emails to the CEO, Jeremy Hart, with no response, and no activation of my account. I then attempted to withdraw my $500 deposit from Capital Bank, and have received no response to my withdrawal request. It would appear I have been scammed by QBITS and Capital Bank. HELP! I just wanted to know if Tradorax is ligit. Pity I only got to know about your site after I’ve deposited $5000 with B4binary. I’ve learnt my lesson the hard way.

Robert Young is a scam artist. Don’t do business with them. Hi level scamming company WARNING. They get more and more money witkìh valib excuse and, dont let you withdraw yor money. Don’t give up asking them for your moneyback, meanwhile file your case to the London police. This company must be charged for Offences of conspiracy and stopped. Please allow us 24-72 hours to review your comment. We reserve the right to decide which comment will be published. For question regarding brokers – Please use our Forums. For Detailed Complaints – Please use our Complaints system on homepage.

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