Saturday, February 17, 2018

Binary option free zulutrade

ZuluTrade binary options trading solution – free binary options signals service. Share this forex article: ZuluTrade has announced that the company will have a binary options trading solution. First thing to be done is on-boarding interested traders of binary options. Social trading is moving forward into binary options, and ZuluTrade with SpotOption made an agreement of partnership with a goal to provide the set of social trading services to the binary options industry that is on its way up. Users who have demo accounts are already able to sign up in order to follow signal providers while the company is implementing functionalities step by step, to streamline the whole process of delivering good experience to customers before they release binary options live. Traders will be in a position to have new strategies and robots that use ZuluScripts designed. This feature will enable traders to be able to create their personal scripts that will be based on a set of custom instructions that can handle trading operations when and if the trading conditions are reached. In order to become one of the binary options social trading pioneer resembles to Forex trading registration. That means that prospective trade leaders must enter their personal information with a short description of the trading method they use. As the number of followers a signal provider has, the number of revenues to be procured rises ZuluTrade has a compensation for trade leaders with 0.5% of the total volume that their followers had traded. A few words about signal providers. There are thousands of signal providers, but not every one of them is a good one. However, they all are encouraged to perform well, so using Zulu’s tools to discover your favorite is going to be a bit easier job.

Still, you have to do it, that is, analyze and think about it. You can’t just randomly click one just because you know that all of them are encouraged to do well. That’s not just because they make money by performing well, but they make additional money for that, as they are rewarded for being good traders to follow. They get their commissions from Zulu not for each successful trade, but for each successful month. That way you can be sure that a good prospective trader should do his best to end his 30 days in plus. That means you will end up in plus as well, depending on how much you invest. When picking your perfect scores, you will have at your disposal lots of details and information about each and every one of them. There is a clear list about who is a profitable trader. But, you will have to find out and figure a way to pick the one who will be successful in the months coming. There are rankings that show the history of traders, their positions on the table, how their performances ranked them against others, who is going up, who is going down. You will be able to analyze the one you want and see what actions the one took and what result it brought. You can compare, for example, the one that is good this month, and the one that was good previous month, see what they did and what made them lose their good ratings, and so on. These are just some tips on what to watch when choosing your favorite. You can also chose to trade opposite of a poor performer, or the one you think is going to be wrong. The principle is the same you just click to do the opposite of what they do. The thing is that, there are literally thousands of traders, and if all of them would do great, it wouldn’t be so great, would it? Therefore, you can assume that a certain trader that you see doesn’t have a clear method, but plays tough calls, will be wrong.

If you find that one, and there are tons of those, you can follow them and set your money to be invested in opposite of what those traders do. If you think you recognized a follower that chooses good traders, you can copy them as well. That’s a neat thing about ZuluTrade, you copy people, and that’s legal. That’s the point. You see somebody is doing something, you want to do the same, and you can do it. You don’t have to sneak to see what your colleagues are doing, whom they follow and so on. You can see openly, watch and look, and copy. There are settings that you make to automatically follow what they do, so you don’t have to cheat or something like that. Binary Options and Forex. When we say trader, we mean both Forex trader and Binary Options trader. Zulu started as a forex signal providing social network, but it has now been for some time a binary trading options signal provider as well. In the end, let’s add that there Zulu has binary options and forex signals. Thus, it makes it profitable for you with either kind of traders, forex or binary option. Zulutrade Binary Options. Zulutrade Binary Options: How to Win. Binary options have become an important product for any investor. I guess you already know what the binary options are, but if you still do not know, you can learn more here.

Such a growth of binary options has been such that Zulutrade decided to open a new list of traders dedicated to this type of product. Success has not been waiting and there are already several million dollars copying the operations of binary traders. Why copy trades from other traders? Copying the trades of other traders allows traders to diversify their operations and newcomers start with profits from the first day by copying the operations of a professional trader. A trader can be good at trading short term and on the euro dollar, but he can resist the more exotic pairs. In Zulutrade it is possible to delegate the operation to another trader and complement your operations with yours. Diversification is perfect and free of charge. Binary options allow Zulutrade users to copy not just Forex trading as they did until recently but expand diversification into global stock and index trading. Great, right? Zulu4me makes it easy.

We analyze every day Zulutrade traders and evaluate their operating system, separating professional traders from those who are not. For example: Traders recommended by the Zulu4me team to copy thinking about the long term: here Traders who have made highest profit during the last week: here Traders with 100% winning users: here In fact, you can see who are the users winning more money and start to copy the same method: here. To take advantage of this you only have to open a demo or real account in Zulutrade through our link to copy the best for free and without extra costs in your trades. Soon we will have rankings for binary options traders , but for now we only analyze the forex traders given their greater antiquity and reliability. Do you want to learn to win in Zulutrade? How to copy the best Binary Options Traders on Zulutrade. Although we recommend copying traders who operate directly in forex because of their greater antiquity and reliability of our daily valuations, there are also users who are gaining with Zulutrade binary options . To choose the best binary option traders follow these steps: Go to the Ranking of Zulutrade Binary Options Traders. Click on the column amount following . The ranking will be sorted by this criterion.

Focus on only the first ones and make sure they have been operating for at least 30 weeks. Look for graphics without considerable drawdowns and look at its worst operation, it should be small relative to the best. Although it is a simple analysis, with these 3 steps you can eliminate a lot of dangerous traders. Now you can focus on completing your portfolio of binary traders. How to copy the best Zulutrade Binary Option Traders. We know that when you start, trading and copytrading, are complex worlds. Zulu4me is made up of traders and we know how hard it is to start. Luckily, we’ve already made a lot of mistakes for you and we’re not going to let that happen to you. If you have any doubts you can contact us by the button in the lower right corner or by writing to us from the contact page. We will help you immediately, whether or not you have account with us. Try our services for free: Enjoy our services: Currency trading with leverage implies an important risk for the investor and there is always the possibility of losses. These instruments carry a high risk if they are not managed properly and a profit can quickly become loss as a result of price changes. Due to the risk factor inherent to this type of trade, only funds intended for risk investments should be used. If you do not have extra capital you may be willing to lose, you should not trade in the forex market.

It has never been proven that there is any system or portfolio of systems that is completely safe and no one can insure future profits or losses. Before you start trading in the forex market you should think carefully about your goals as an investor, your level as an investor and your risk aversion to determine if this is the type of investment you want to make. If you are in doubt you should seek advice from a professional financial advisor to advise you about the investment. CFDoptions. com. Forex, Binary Options and Contract for Difference Specialist. Binary Options Trading With Zulutrade. Huh? Binary options trading with Zulutrade. com?

Since when do they support that? Well, they failed to inform me but there is an anouncement on Yahoo Finance website from 4th December 2014 stating that they have just launched Zulutrade Binary Options. Zulutrade Binary Options Explained. As you might have read on this website, Zulutrade offers social trading of currencies with an algorythmic trading system. You can follow other traders and copy their open trades on auto-pilot. Is this available for binary options from now? Auto-pilot binary options trading? By following expert traders other users, who are not as experienced, are also able to trade the forex market without any knowledge of what so ever. Binary options are a derivative in trading where the trader only has to determine (=predict) whether a stockindicecommoditie is going up or down in value. Binary options are simple to trade and have a high potential in payouts ranging from 70% to 90% depending on the broker of choice. The payouts are predetermined compared to trading with other systems. It is either 70% or 0% of the initial investment. Where 0% is equal to $0,- of course.

Why Choose Zulutrade Binary Options. Since Zulutrade is a known facilitator of automatic trading, they have a solid base of professional traders who you can follow their every move in the market. Next to this, Zulutrade has a wide variety of over 150 assets available bringing you a complete solution for binary options trading . Zulutrade Binary Options Types. Zulutrade offers the main types of binary options on their trading platform for those who want to trade themselves rather than following others. An overview with explanation: Classic binary options: won’t be easier than this one. Choose your asset, pick a timeframe, enter invested amount in $ or € and hit call (up) or put (down). Pairs: which one of the two underlying assets will out perform the other one? The second? Then you hit the put button. Long term: these are the binary options that are expiring in not less than a day up to a month or longer. Sixty Seconds: well known on cfdoptions.

com are the 60 second options. Speed up your trading life with this type and try to make money fast! Or lose money fast when you don’t know what you are doing.. Zulutrade binary options features. The best binary options brokers in the market support some features every trader needs in his binary options trading dashboard. This is an overview of what Zulutrade binary options are about: Rollover: when the open position is close to expiry but not in the winning mood, you can roll over to the next expiry time. This will cost a little fee however. Double up: when profit is around the corner with an open position, open a new position with the same conditions. Sort of copy position. Sell option: is the value not moving in your favor? Hit the sell button before expiry and you might end up with a little money cash back instead of losing the invested amount.

Zulutrade tradewall: this is a unique feature, no other broker supports a trade wall. The zulutrade tradewall is the place where activity of all traders is displayed. When a trader opens or closes a trade, that updates a status message. Filters are available to customise the tradewall. Calendar: no trader can do without a trading calendar. When is what news coming? The events are displayes in the timezone your personal computer is set on. Zulutrade Binary Options Supported Brokers. In order to trade with zulutrade binary options, you need to have an account with a supported broker. There are some brokers supported and more conditions apply. Follow these steps to get you up and running with Zulutrade binary options trading with the best binary option brokers in the market. Open an account first at the following broker.

Some are not accepting traders from the USA, this one is. The minumum requirement for zulutrade is a minumum of $250 as a first deposit. After creating you account with one of the brokers listed in step 1, you HAVE TO sign up with Zulutrade MANUALLY to get entered in the wonderful world of automatic binary options trading. Go here: zulutrade. com and hit ‘Register’ on the top right corner. Create an account. Are you sure? You have to fulfill steps 1 and 2 in order to make it work. When you have completed the first 2 stept, go to the following site and connect the binary options broker to Zulutrade’s platform. Again, this will only work when you have a fully working account at one of the above binary option brokers and deposited a minimum of $250! Create a Live account or a Demo account by hitting the right button on your screen.

You don’t need a credit card to create your account at zulutrade, it is totally free to use. When opening a Live account (free of charge, what can happen?) you need to select the broker you have created an account in step 1. Next hit the ‘Do you have an account at..’ with ‘Yes’. Fill out the Zulutrade registration form first and when you hit enter the binary option broker account setting are neccesary (step 1!) to set up the auto trading connection. When all above is finished, you are set! Always keep in mind that want to make money. Do not invest the entire $250 at once. Why don’t you set a maximum for a day, like $10? Trade with your mind, not with your heart. Second, only trade with money you can affort to lose. Zulutrade Review.

Zulutrade are not strictly a binary broker, however what they offer sets them apart and makes them worthy of noting. Their platform allows traders to copy other binary traders’ trades… more. Eu Regulated Copy Trading. Need to link exterior broker. Zulutrade are not strictly a binary broker, however what they offer sets them apart and makes them worthy of noting. Their platform allows traders to copy other binary traders’ trades automatically. The process is relatively simple in terms of setting the copy parameters, however, obviously monitoring traders to copy is paramount. Zulutrade offer a one month demo account which can be renewed, and prior to your demo account closing you can export the month’s trade record via a spreadsheet, so if you have the Excel knowledge you can track progress over a period of months. If you do decide to open a live account then you will have to select a broker platform to tie into your Zulutrade account of which there are currently 5 binary brokers you can choose from. You can use the zulutrade interface to place your own binary bets, however, the main selling point of Zulutrade is the social trading function. The platform originally launched as Forex copy trading, but have been operating binary options since 2015. The selling point of binary as a whole is that it takes complexities out of financial trading and allows trades to be made without extensive knowledge of the markets (which is arguably a questionable proposition). Zulutrade take this one step further by allowing the user to select traders to copy based on their performance, of which much data is available.

There are several criteria for selecting traders to copy, the prioritising of which depends on your risk appetite. Just like any standard binary platform there is a learning process involved, but that is essential for trading no matter what method you use. The platform is an innovative one, and you also have the option to set up Forex copytrading account as well. The Forex account is far more complex, opening a demo is highly advised as it takes a while to understand all the available options and parameters of the account and trader settings. Overall, Zulutrade offer a different trading experience, it does not release the user from the constant process of monitoring performance, however it does them away from staring at the charts. ZuluTrade Review. By Srdan Sore - May 19, 2016 9:45 am. ZuluTrade is considered as strongest social trading network in binary and Forex industry. This platform connects over one million traders, that are copying trades from best traders, called signal providers. ZuluTrade is available for anyone and it mostly includes newbies in trading industry. Social trading has a big impact on financial market and because of this, there are plenty of brokers that started including social trading products in their services. we all wanted something that will help us trade easier and without much understanding about technical knowledge and trading strategies. ZuluTrade is number one social network in financial market and if you decide to trade on social network, this is definitely platform you should register with. In this review we have registered with ZuluTrade and explained most important features from this platform.

ZuluTrade connects over one hundred binary and Forex brokers with traders in all over the world. Most successful traders are being shown on top traders dashboard and others can copy trades from them. This is the basics of ZuluTrade platform and it is really that simple. The idea behind this social platform is to offer most successful signals to others. Advantage of ZuluTrade is that it is independent social network, free for all traders and recommended for beginners in binary and Forex industry. Copying trades gives you potential opportunity to make high returns. After you create real trading ZuluTrade account, you will be offered to make deposit with broker you choose to trade with. Your trading dashboard lets you analyze performance of other traders. You can start following those traders who have most profitable results and basically replicate their trades in your trading portfolio. Trades are replicated in real time. You will make a profit each time your signal provider generate profitable signal. On the picture below you can see how a demo account looks like.

We have opened demo account and chose to follow few signal providers. We have got $10,000 on our trading portfolio and we were playing around with investments. For now, our profits are rising, and hopefully we will manage to make some real profits after we open real trading account. ZuluTrade Is Free Social Network. Unlike other social networks, ZuluTrade is completely free trading platform. Traders have option to first register with Demo account to practice and get familiar with platform, before making real deposits. The reason for ZuluTrade being free is because it is in business cooperation with many binary and Forex brokers that give certain commission to ZuluTrade after traders deposit with them. Traders who create signals and make profitable results are also able to get commission. Trade With ZuluTrade Without Knowledge About Forex or Binary Options. This is most important among all advantages of this platform. Traders don’t need any technical knowledge about Forex or binary strategies to be successful with ZuluTrade.

Of course, it is smart to educate yourself about financial news, assets, brokers, different analysis, risks etc. How to create account. If you want to open a follower account on ZuluTrade, you just need to follow simple registration process on their page. Click on Register button and follow the steps: Click on Open a Live account Select which platform you want to trade with (Forex or binary) Select a broker you want to trade with Open new or connect existent broker account (you will be redirected to brokers webpage) Start following and trading. Minimum Deposit With ZuluTrade. We want to point out that traders do not deposit their investments with ZuluTrade, but with broker they chose to trade with. ZuluTrade is in this case a third party platform that connects traders and brokers. Every broker has different payment policy and deposit amount may vary between $200 to $300. Who Are ZuluTrade Providers? They are successful traders trading with different brokers and placing their signals on ZuluTrade platform. ZuluTrade doesn’t pick the, they are random people that are very good with trading.

How Are The Signal Providers Ranked? ZuluTrade has developed A ZuluRank, algorithm that rank traders by different factors. ZuluRank collects information about: Maximum drawdown (how many drawdowns has provider experienced) Exposure (this tracks number of opened positions) System maturity (logs how long has the system been running) etc. With the help of ZuluRank, traders can choose appropriate providers depending on their own preferences like, risk allowance, trading style, personal needs and other factors. Trading ZuluTrade Brokers. If you decide to trade with binary options you can register with: AAAFx, OptionTrade, RoboOption, 10trade, BullBinary and CBF Invest. AAAFx, FXCM, Swissquote, Fidelis Capital MArkets, Pepperstone, IC Markets, AVATrade. ZuluTrade is founded in early 2007 by company that is focused on social trading engineering. Company is founded in Virginia, United States by CEO Leon Yohai. It also has headquarters in Athens, Greece. The company has developed API that allowed traders to copy trading strategies from other traders in real time. Company has been listed among “Start-Up 100” in Finance category in The Daily Telegraph .

ZuluTrade company is also the owner of broker AAAFX, which base is located in Greece. Broker is regulated in Europe. Become a ZuluTrade Trader Signal Provider. If you want to make some extra money as a trader then becoming a “Trader” on ZuluTrade (aka Signal Provider) is very easy. You can send trade signal from a live “real money” broker account or from a demo account. I. e. you don’t actually need to trade with any money yourself and there’s no cost for becoming a Signal Provider. You can either use a live or demo account with ZuluTrade’s own broker (AAAfx) or with any one of their partner brokers. 5m+ Professional Traders to Copy from $5k CryptoFund Unique and Friendly Trading Platform. All your trades are displayed in your ZuluTrade profile once you’ve sent 31 valid trades from a demo account, or straight away with a live account. The people who have chosen to follow you as Signal Provider (“Followers”) will have a of your trades automatically executed in their broker account. As Signal Provider you can trade in all major currency pairs as well as CFDs (main commodities and indices). Please note though that some brokers may not support commodities and indices and hence followers on those brokers will not be able to copy your trades in CFDs. However since ZuluTrade introduced CFDs on their platform in October 2015, most followers can now copy and trade these instruments as well.

Each trader also has to create their own profile with a picture and method description, both of which are reviewed by ZuluTrade before they put this information live. You can also keep your followers updated with regular messages from your profile page. ZuluTrade added binary option trading to its platform early 2015 and since mid 2015 binary options traders can also be copied and become signal providers (i. e. social binary options trading). Again you can generate your binary option signals with a demo or live account, the only restriction being that US and Japan residents are excluded from the program in accordance to those countries legislation. You get paid 0.5 pips per lot traded by someone following you with a “real money” live ZuluTrade account . The value of 0.5 pip obviously varies due to currency fluctuations and the currency pairs traded. The weighted average is reported by ZuluTrade is around 4 dollars per trade per standard lot. Needless to say that when you get 100+ followers this can add up to quite a lot of commission. Please note that you will only receive commissions for months you are profitable. You’ll lose all your commissions for any losing months (which includes unrealised PnL).

For binary options traders the payout is 0.5% of the traded volume for each of their signals executed oin a live Zulu Trade follower’s account. You can get paid once your ZuluTrade account reaches $100. The fees are $20 for PayPal, $30 for US Wire Transfers, $45 none US Wire Transfers and $20 for each payment to the ZuluTrade Mastercard. Payments take about 30-45 days to reach your account. If you like, you can also send signals from an MT4 terminal. This is a trading platform which you can install on your pc and which allows you to create and run Expert Advisors (EAs). These are automated programs which can open and close trades based on pre-set rules and the real time price feeds. I. e. when you become a Signal Provider on ZuluTrade you can run automated trading systems and strategies. And since February 2014, ZuluTrade also introduced their own trading station and scripts: ZuluTrade+ Trading Station - is highly technical trading station user interface with technical charts (Candlesticks, OHLC, Lines, etc), a large variety of Indicators (Trend, Oscillators, Volumes, Bill Williams, Volatility, etc), custom linestextobjects and much more. ZuluScripts - allow you to create, compile and deploy your own experts (robots)and run them directly in your ZuluTrade Trader account. ZuluTrade does also impose some restrictions though when you trade with trade as a “Trader” signal provider with a demo account: TradesSignals to create market or pending orders should have a minimum time interval of 15 seconds between. I. e. you cannot open 2 or more trades at the same time. Within a 24-hour interval, there is an upper limit of 30 market and 30 pending orders you can send, as well as a limit of 1,000 update signals (e. g. changing stop levels). Your maximum overall number of trades allowed of open as Signal Provider – market and pending – is limited to 30 orders.

When you trade and send signals to ZuluTrade from a live trading account (meaning you trade with real money) these limits do not apply. To protect your followers, each Signal Provider is also required to comply with a minimum set of ZuluTrade guidelines aimed at reducing risk . These include limiting your overall drawdown and not allowing losses of 700 pips or more on a single position. The use of stop loss values at reasonable levels is mandatory and ZuluTrade also doesn’t like winning trades ratio close to 100% as these normally mean large potential drawdowns and hence high risk. In addition, on December 12th 2014 ZuluTrade introduced some additional restrictions which apply only to European residents. This was done in accordance to EU legislation in order to reduce systemic risk and increase investor protection. From this date, only the top 1,000 Traders will be available to be followed by EU residents. In addition all “Forex Traders” visible to EU residents need to comply to the following criteria: a maximum historic drawdown of less than 30% average pips per trade more than 3 pips been trading on ZuluTrade for at least 12 weeks. For “Binary Options Traders” the following criteria have to be met: win ratio is greater than 30%, ROI greater than 10% a minimum of 30 closed positions. Some Tips for when you become and are a ZuluTrade “Trader” Signal Provider : Use a photo of yourself as profile picture – this creates trust.

When describing your method, be clear and complete. It’s also useful to suggest how many lots a follower should invest per $1000 balance, how many open trades they should allow and which stop levels they should set. Trade with a real money account (if possible) or at least follow yourself from a live ZuluTrade account. This information is displayed in your ZuluTrade profile and creates trust. You will gain many more followers and respect because you trade with your own money. Make sure you adhere to the criteria for EU residents because you want to make sure your profile is visible to customers from European countries to increase your earnings potential. Because of the inevitable slippage between your trade execution prices and those of your ZuluTrade followers, scalping strategies are not recommended. Trading during the news can also create massively different results between yours and your follower’s accounts because some broker widen the spread significantly during news events. Communicate regularly with your followers and let them know when you change your method. Answer follower questions in your feed if they’re relevant. However, don’t get bogged down in replying to negative follower comments after you post some negative trades.

There are always people who expect you to win 100% of your trades. Open a ZuluTrade demo account yourself first so you can follow some other popular traders and look at their strategies and communications. Latest Forex News. IG Group, a leading global forex and CFD broker issued a trading update for H1 of the financial year ending on May 31, 2018. According to it, the company posted a 9% of the net trading revenue year-on-year. The news comes against the background of a record Q1 2018 reported earlier this year and continuous good performance in the second quarter. Furthermore, IG says, the operating costs, excluding variable remuneration are expected to be 7% lower than H1 2017. Overall, the company expects that the operating costs will remain similar to the previous financial year. Read more. Switzerland&rsquos financial markets and services regulator FINMA has warned against two unlicensed binary options brokers: UBSOption and Brokers Option.

In its typical laconic style, the regulator does not provide further information, except that the two companies are not licensed. UBSOption operates from the site swissbinarytrading. com and claims to be based in Switzerland. According to the fine print at the bottom of the site, however, the company is actually owned by an entity called Cuba Ltd. That has an office in Sofia. What strikes us is the use of &ldquoUBS&rdquo in the name of the company, which suggests it may be connected with the major Swiss bank UBS. Read more. Denmark&rsquos inancial Supervisory Authority (FSA) has issued a warning that the offshore forex broker SolidCFD is not licensed to provide financial services in the country. The company, however, has been offering to carry out financial services, according to the regulator. &ldquoSolidCFD does not have authorization from the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority in accordance with the Financial Business Act to carry out such services in Denmark. The company has not been notified in Denmark from any foreign Financial Supervisory Authority&rdquo, the FSA said in its publication and advised traders to check the list of licensed companies on its site. Read more.

Gain Capital, owner of major global forex brokerages, announced it is launching CFDs and spread betting on bitcoin at its UK-regulated forex brokerage brand City Index. The UK clients of City Index can either spread bet or trade in Bitcoin CFDs with the respective accounts, with competitive spreads starting from $50, on margin of 25% (leverage 1:4), from 22:00 GMT Sunday till 22:00 GMT Friday. Trading is done on City Index&rsquos platforms, with all the tools and options available for other instruments, such as 16 chart types with 80+ indicators for technical analysis and mobile apps. "Cryptocurrencies are one of the most exciting trends shaping today's markets. Read more. Canada&rsquos regional regulator, the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC), has issued a warning against the forex, CFD and binary options broker uTrader and its owner Day Dream Investments Ltd. According to the BCSC, the company claims to be based in the offshore zone the Marshall Islands, but is not regulated and is not licensed to operate in British Columbia. &ldquoWe recently became aware of the Parties and that a BC resident was able to open a trading account with uTrader&rdquo, the BCSC said and urged British Columbia residents to be cautious when dealing with firms that are not licensed to provide financial services in the province. Read more. Lykke, a Swiss fintech company which also operates a cryptocurrency exchange and a forex brokerage, announced the launch of Lykke Card &ndash a co-branded Visa pre-paid card. The Lykke Card can be used for payment of goods and services online and offline, wherever Visa cards are accepted. The card is drawing funds from the Lykke e-wallet of the exchange&rsquos clients and can be used for converting cryptocurrencies into the equivalent amount of local currency. It can also be used for cash withdrawals from ATMs. &ldquoIt&rsquos already easy to request a bank transfer from our wallet app,&rdquo said Igor Rumiantsev, product manager for the Lykke Card.

Read more. FBS, a forex and CFD broker with a license from the International Financial Services Commission of Belize (IFSC), announced it has also obtained a license from the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (). Our check revealed that the license was granted in August 2017 to Tradestone Limited, which can operate the site fbs. eu. The license allows the company to accept and transmit orders in relation to one or more financial instruments and execute orders on behalf of clients. Read more. BitFlyer, one of Japan&rsquos leading cryptocurrency exchanges, has obtained a trading license from the state of New York, the so-called BitLicense, and is launching operations in 41 US states, the company said. Another exchange that has such license &ndash Coinbase and its institutional platform GDAX &ndash have approval to operate in 48 states and another major US bitcoin exchange &ndash Gemini &ndash has permission for 46 states. Both are also allowed to operate in Washington DC. BitFlyer is the largest Japanese bitcoin exchange, with a volume for the last 24 hours of $328,128,110 and ranks among the largest in the world. Read more. Libertex, a trading brand of the Forex Club group, has expanded its cryptocurrency CFD portfolio with two more instruments: LTCBTC and BCHBTC. As with many other similar products, offered by many forex brokers, the addition of the new instruments is prompted by the booming investor interest. However, Libertex is one of the few &ldquotraditional&rdquo platforms that offers trading in cryptocurrency against cryptocurrency, with most offering pairs with an alt-coin and a fiat currency, mostly EUR and USD.

&ldquoThe high volatility of these cryptocurrencies offers great opportunities for margin trading. Read more. Admiral Markets, a European forex and CFD broker, announced it is amending the trading conditions for the CFDs with Bitcoin and Ether in its portfolio. Starting from December 11, 2017, the broker will change the exposure limit for the BTCUSD and ETHUSD CFDs and will increase the max leverage from 1:5 to 1:10. The current exposure limit of 10,000 EUR (or equivalent) will be increased to 40,000 EUR for BTCUSD and to 20,000 EUR for ETHUSD. Additionally, Admiral Markets is introducing the following tiered margining structure: There will also be some more changes. Weekend trading in the two instruments will be disabled, due to changing the liquidity provider. Read more. Latest forex brokers. Forex trading carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before you engage in trading foreign exchange, please make yourself acquainted with its specifics and all the risks associated with it. All information on ForexBrokerz. com is only published for general information purposes.

We do not present any guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of this information. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses andor damages in connection with the use of our website. All textual content on ForexBrokerz. com is copyrighted and protected under intellectual property law. You may not reproduce, distribute, publish or broadcast any piece of the website without indicating us as a source. ForexBrokerz. com does not claim copyright over the imagery used on the website, including brokers' logos, stock images and illustrations. Forexbrokerz website uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Read our Privacy Policy. ZuluTrade binary options trading solution – free binary options signals service. Share this forex article: ZuluTrade has announced that the company will have a binary options trading solution. First thing to be done is on-boarding interested traders of binary options.

Social trading is moving forward into binary options, and ZuluTrade with SpotOption made an agreement of partnership with a goal to provide the set of social trading services to the binary options industry that is on its way up. Users who have demo accounts are already able to sign up in order to follow signal providers while the company is implementing functionalities step by step, to streamline the whole process of delivering good experience to customers before they release binary options live. Traders will be in a position to have new strategies and robots that use ZuluScripts designed. This feature will enable traders to be able to create their personal scripts that will be based on a set of custom instructions that can handle trading operations when and if the trading conditions are reached. In order to become one of the binary options social trading pioneer resembles to Forex trading registration. That means that prospective trade leaders must enter their personal information with a short description of the trading method they use. As the number of followers a signal provider has, the number of revenues to be procured rises ZuluTrade has a compensation for trade leaders with 0.5% of the total volume that their followers had traded. A few words about signal providers. There are thousands of signal providers, but not every one of them is a good one. However, they all are encouraged to perform well, so using Zulu’s tools to discover your favorite is going to be a bit easier job. Still, you have to do it, that is, analyze and think about it. You can’t just randomly click one just because you know that all of them are encouraged to do well. That’s not just because they make money by performing well, but they make additional money for that, as they are rewarded for being good traders to follow. They get their commissions from Zulu not for each successful trade, but for each successful month. That way you can be sure that a good prospective trader should do his best to end his 30 days in plus.

That means you will end up in plus as well, depending on how much you invest. When picking your perfect scores, you will have at your disposal lots of details and information about each and every one of them. There is a clear list about who is a profitable trader. But, you will have to find out and figure a way to pick the one who will be successful in the months coming. There are rankings that show the history of traders, their positions on the table, how their performances ranked them against others, who is going up, who is going down. You will be able to analyze the one you want and see what actions the one took and what result it brought. You can compare, for example, the one that is good this month, and the one that was good previous month, see what they did and what made them lose their good ratings, and so on. These are just some tips on what to watch when choosing your favorite. You can also chose to trade opposite of a poor performer, or the one you think is going to be wrong. The principle is the same you just click to do the opposite of what they do. The thing is that, there are literally thousands of traders, and if all of them would do great, it wouldn’t be so great, would it? Therefore, you can assume that a certain trader that you see doesn’t have a clear method, but plays tough calls, will be wrong. If you find that one, and there are tons of those, you can follow them and set your money to be invested in opposite of what those traders do. If you think you recognized a follower that chooses good traders, you can copy them as well. That’s a neat thing about ZuluTrade, you copy people, and that’s legal. That’s the point. You see somebody is doing something, you want to do the same, and you can do it. You don’t have to sneak to see what your colleagues are doing, whom they follow and so on. You can see openly, watch and look, and copy. There are settings that you make to automatically follow what they do, so you don’t have to cheat or something like that.

Binary Options and Forex. When we say trader, we mean both Forex trader and Binary Options trader. Zulu started as a forex signal providing social network, but it has now been for some time a binary trading options signal provider as well. In the end, let’s add that there Zulu has binary options and forex signals. Thus, it makes it profitable for you with either kind of traders, forex or binary option. ZuluTrade Review. By Srdan Sore - May 19, 2016 9:45 am. ZuluTrade is considered as strongest social trading network in binary and Forex industry. This platform connects over one million traders, that are copying trades from best traders, called signal providers. ZuluTrade is available for anyone and it mostly includes newbies in trading industry. Social trading has a big impact on financial market and because of this, there are plenty of brokers that started including social trading products in their services.

we all wanted something that will help us trade easier and without much understanding about technical knowledge and trading strategies. ZuluTrade is number one social network in financial market and if you decide to trade on social network, this is definitely platform you should register with. In this review we have registered with ZuluTrade and explained most important features from this platform. ZuluTrade connects over one hundred binary and Forex brokers with traders in all over the world. Most successful traders are being shown on top traders dashboard and others can copy trades from them. This is the basics of ZuluTrade platform and it is really that simple. The idea behind this social platform is to offer most successful signals to others. Advantage of ZuluTrade is that it is independent social network, free for all traders and recommended for beginners in binary and Forex industry. Copying trades gives you potential opportunity to make high returns. After you create real trading ZuluTrade account, you will be offered to make deposit with broker you choose to trade with.

Your trading dashboard lets you analyze performance of other traders. You can start following those traders who have most profitable results and basically replicate their trades in your trading portfolio. Trades are replicated in real time. You will make a profit each time your signal provider generate profitable signal. On the picture below you can see how a demo account looks like. We have opened demo account and chose to follow few signal providers. We have got $10,000 on our trading portfolio and we were playing around with investments. For now, our profits are rising, and hopefully we will manage to make some real profits after we open real trading account. ZuluTrade Is Free Social Network. Unlike other social networks, ZuluTrade is completely free trading platform. Traders have option to first register with Demo account to practice and get familiar with platform, before making real deposits.

The reason for ZuluTrade being free is because it is in business cooperation with many binary and Forex brokers that give certain commission to ZuluTrade after traders deposit with them. Traders who create signals and make profitable results are also able to get commission. Trade With ZuluTrade Without Knowledge About Forex or Binary Options. This is most important among all advantages of this platform. Traders don’t need any technical knowledge about Forex or binary strategies to be successful with ZuluTrade. Of course, it is smart to educate yourself about financial news, assets, brokers, different analysis, risks etc. How to create account. If you want to open a follower account on ZuluTrade, you just need to follow simple registration process on their page. Click on Register button and follow the steps: Click on Open a Live account Select which platform you want to trade with (Forex or binary) Select a broker you want to trade with Open new or connect existent broker account (you will be redirected to brokers webpage) Start following and trading. Minimum Deposit With ZuluTrade. We want to point out that traders do not deposit their investments with ZuluTrade, but with broker they chose to trade with. ZuluTrade is in this case a third party platform that connects traders and brokers. Every broker has different payment policy and deposit amount may vary between $200 to $300. Who Are ZuluTrade Providers?

They are successful traders trading with different brokers and placing their signals on ZuluTrade platform. ZuluTrade doesn’t pick the, they are random people that are very good with trading. How Are The Signal Providers Ranked? ZuluTrade has developed A ZuluRank, algorithm that rank traders by different factors. ZuluRank collects information about: Maximum drawdown (how many drawdowns has provider experienced) Exposure (this tracks number of opened positions) System maturity (logs how long has the system been running) etc. With the help of ZuluRank, traders can choose appropriate providers depending on their own preferences like, risk allowance, trading style, personal needs and other factors. Trading ZuluTrade Brokers. If you decide to trade with binary options you can register with: AAAFx, OptionTrade, RoboOption, 10trade, BullBinary and CBF Invest. AAAFx, FXCM, Swissquote, Fidelis Capital MArkets, Pepperstone, IC Markets, AVATrade. ZuluTrade is founded in early 2007 by company that is focused on social trading engineering.

Company is founded in Virginia, United States by CEO Leon Yohai. It also has headquarters in Athens, Greece. The company has developed API that allowed traders to copy trading strategies from other traders in real time. Company has been listed among “Start-Up 100” in Finance category in The Daily Telegraph . ZuluTrade company is also the owner of broker AAAFX, which base is located in Greece. Broker is regulated in Europe. Binary Options By Zulutrade: The Best Trading Strategies To Benefit Like A Pro! Binary Options. Did you like this article? Share it with your friends! Binary Options By Zulutrade: The Best Trading Strategies To Benefit Like A Pro! Binary Options. Build Your Future NOW. + ✔ Register and Get Best Trading method ➤➤ goo.

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